Blossom time

1 May 2017   in Orchard, Cider by Admin


May is always one of the best times in the orchard, as the weather turns warmer and the blossom comes out. In fact, this year everything is a bit early and the earliest blossom is already out. In the orchard at Mosser, the first variety to bloom is usually Golden Spire (otherwise known as Tom Matthews cider apple). It gives a magnificent display, as you can see.

May is also the month when last year’s cider becomes drinkable. However, we like to mature our cider rather more than that and then blend the varieties to achieve a nice balance between fruitiness, acidity and tannin, so I’m afraid it will be several more months before it will be made available. Meanwhile, the previous season’s “Orchard Magic” is still in the shops and is nicely mature.

Mosser Cider can now be found in four shops, from the west of the county to the east. Check the “ciders” page for availability.